On tensor calculus
I have recently been working on a project that involves tensor calculus. Here I collect some notions and identities, to spare myself from googling them each time.
We work on quasicoherent sheaves on a scheme, and when no ambiguity arises we omit this from the notation.
Schur functors
Here I should give an explanation of what Schur functors are and of how they generalize the symmetric and exterior products.
Instead, I refer the reader to chapter $6$ of [2].
\[\DeclareMathOperator{\Sym}{Sym} \begin{align} \bigwedge^{n}\left(A \oplus B\right) ~~&\simeq~~ \bigoplus_{p + q = n} \bigwedge^{p}(A) \otimes \bigwedge^{q}(B) \\ \bigwedge^{n}\left(A \otimes B\right) ~~&\simeq~~ \bigoplus_{|a| = n} \Sigma_{a} (A) \otimes \Sigma_{a^{*}} (B) \\ \Sym^{n}\left(A \oplus B\right) ~~&\simeq~~ \bigoplus_{p + q = n} \Sym^{p}(A) \otimes \Sym^{q}(B) \\ \Sym^{n}\left(A \otimes B\right) ~~&\simeq~~ \bigoplus_{|a| = n} \Sigma_{a} (A) \otimes \Sigma_{a} (B) \end{align}\]Proof. The identities splitting direct sums are an immediate corollary of [Exercise II.5.16, 1].
The third item of the exercise states that for any short exact sequence \(0 \to A \to B \to C \to 0,\) there are filtrations
\[0 = F_{n+1} \subset F_{n} \subset \dots \subset F_{1} \subset F_{0} = \Sym^{n}(B)\]and
\[0 = G_{n+1} \subset G_{n} \subset \dots \subset G_{1} \subset G_{0} = \bigwedge^{n}(B),\]such that
\[F_{i}/F_{i+1} \simeq \Sym^{i}(A) \otimes \Sym^{n-i}(C)\]and
\[G_{i}/G_{i+1} \simeq \bigwedge^{i}(A) \otimes \bigwedge^{n-i}(C).\]In the cases of two summands the proof is immediate, and the general cases follow by induction.
The identities splitting tensor products are proved in [Exercise 6.11, 2].
[1] Algebraic Geometry, R. Hartshorne.
[2] Representation Theory: A First Course, W. Fulton, J. Harris.